Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Favorite Things

(I have never intended on this being a beauty blog in any way. But in the last few months I have added some fabulous products to my beauty regimen and I must share how wonderful they have been.)

          I come with a series of challenges. I have very dry, sensitive skin, severe dry eyes, dandruff and digestion problems. Sounds like fun, right? I have found products that help me deal with all of these annoyances, however, and if these companies ever stop making these products I might cry. My favorite part of my beauty regimens: Most of them are natural, old-fashioned and proven to work.

My first problem: Upset stomach. 
I can get an upset stomach for a number of reasons...but I'm pretty sure it all boils down to is my stomach feels like being a jerk that day or not. The one product that helps me combat this: Papaya Enzyme. 

I recently bought two of these 600-count bottles of Papaya from GNC. They're currently running a Buy 1 Get 1 Free special so I got two bottles for $20. That's 1,200 chewables. These taste really good and taste even better because it was such a good deal. I simply chew 3 or 4 tablets after a meal and I'm good to go. 

My next problem: Sensitive skin. 

I recently developed a sensitivity to sunscreen in lip balm. The more sunscreen the worse reaction. What is that reaction? Oh it just feels like I have acid on my lips. Totally bearable. So what do I use? 

This stuff is the bomb. I have tubes of this everywhere. Not only is it a great lip balm it's also a back-up in case I need lotion as well. It's the best of both worlds. 

The next factor of sensitive skin is my face's reaction to harsh chemicals. I used to use a harsh "anti-zit" cleanser and I don't recall using moisturizer afterward. That didn't work for me. 

My new favorite facial cleanser is this puppy: 
Not only does this stuff small AMAZING it does the job wonderfully. It's gentle and all it does is wash my face, and that's all I need. 

I follow it up with this:

I know this isn't even moisturizer but I use it as moisturizer anyway. I also use it to remove makeup but that's besides the point: Ever since I started using cold cream my skin has completely cleared up. I rarely get a zit anymore and if I do it's because I've had too much sugar. I can't recommend this to everyone, especially if you have really oily skin (because I don't know what it will do). But if you have sensitive dry skin I recommend giving this a try. I purchased a tub of cold cream from the dollar store first to make sure I liked it and then graduated to Pond's. The scent was a little strong for me at first but I'm used to it now. 

Next up: My favorite moisturizer 

It smells like oranges and seems to be the best lotion that I've ever tried. And I've tried lots of them, believe me. I'm a huge fan of anything that comes with a pump at the top (I don't have time to be using that pop-top crap). I keep this in my bedroom and a smaller bottle in my car. Cause I love it that much. 

Next: Dry Eyes

 My eyes are so dry they're practically eye raisins. My eye doctor has recommended all sorts of eye drops for me to use but none of them ever worked as well as this: 

I put this in my eyes for the first time and it was magic. The bottle started glowing in my hand and the angels started singing. I said "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!?" and haven't looked back since. 

Last problem: Dandruff

I've saved the best for last because this shampoo literally changed my life. 
I have dandruff...which I HATE because I can't wash my hair with baking soda anymore because of it. I have tried all sorts of anti-dandruff shampoos and none of them seemed to be working. So I went on a Google searching rampage and found that the major consensus for natural dandruff shampoo seemed to be Rosemary or Peppermint shampoos. So after searching and finding most of these shampoos cost at least $10 per bottle I found out that Suave made a Rosemary + Mint shampoo. 

I bought both bottles at Target for under $4. It smells fantastic, it's invigorating and my hair is soft and I can't stop touching it. But the best part is: Where'd my dandruff go?! Apparently Rosemary & Peppermint are natural anti-fungals and help keep whatever causes dandruff at bay.
Head & Shoulders has nothing on this stuff and I'm hooked after using it for only a week. 
I can't get over how fabulous it works and that it's so affordable. Suave, who knew? 


  1. Ok while you don't do it anymore, I would like to know more about you washing your hair with baking soda. It may not work for me since my hair is a grease bomb - that's my struggle in life, a little less critical than Paul's thorn in the flesh perhaps.

  2. I learned about it two years ago. Some people make a baking powder paste, I dissolved it in water. About 2 cups w/ two heaping spoonfuls of baking soda. Basically the baking soda cleans your hair but does not strip your natural oils. You hair could be oily because shampoo DOES strip your oils thus causing your scalp to create more oil. Baking soda does take some getting used to. Some people won't do it because they like the sudsy feeling of shampoo, but my hair felt so much cleaner when I used it. I also used conditioner on my whole head (conditioner cleans just as well as shampoo) It takes 2-4 weeks for your hair to acclimate to the changes, but after my hair was acclimated I could go four days without washing and it was barely oily. As soon as I can get my dandruff under control I will go back to baking soda. It's SO much cheaper than buying shampoo.

  3. I've always been afraid of that transition time, but it would probably be worth it... Just need to invest in some hats.
    I already use baking soda in the shower to wash my face and that has been the best thing I have ever done for my face.

  4. The transition time wasn't too bad for me. It took maybe 3 weeks tops and some days were worst than others. I just pinned my hair back and did lots of pony tails. I've never tried baking soda on my face, but I imagine it would be very helpful in that area as well!
