Yesterday I was blessed among women to be able to sit on stools in a hipster coffee shop and drink trendy lattes with two very funny ladies. We had some laughs and I learned so much about them. I have been wanting to sit and have an interview chat with the two of them for a while. Unfortunately Kelanie is a superstar who travels all the time but I managed to snag her in between her trips to Hawaii and Thailand (Her job is SO hard, you guys).
First I will go through the formalities of introductions. I know it's boring, but it has to be done you guys. We'll start with Liz.
Liz is a very specific type of awesome that I like to call "southern". She hails from Charleston, SC which although it is much farther north than Jacksonville it's about 10x more southern which means its inhabitants are 10x more funny. Like southern people or not they have a special way of being funny because they are honest and they do not pretend to be something they are not. Liz is funny. Charleston Funny.
Kelanie is a superstar musician. She is a worship leader based out of Jacksonville, FL and has been leading worship at my church New Life Christian Fellowship for about 8 years. I also have the privilege to sing & play bass with her at IHOP Jax. She has sharp wit and she can eat giant burritos even though she is a very small person. You can check out her music on Itunes.
To start off our gathering I had the two thumb wrestle to the death to determine who's name would appear first in the title of this segment. Tooth & nail they fought, each effort more valiant than the last. Taking their lives literally into their own hands they tousled to and fro all whist maintaining their feminine grace. Liz emerged victorious. Kelanie didn't seem surprised.
I came prepared with 21 questions: Some worked better than others. Below are the gems. The conversations that shined brighter and brought a smile to my face. I hope you enjoy.
R= Me
K= Kelanie
R: What is your favorite song at the moment?
L: My favorite song at the moment? "Fling Wide"
K: Ohhhh I know my favorite one for right now: "Shine like the Stars by Misty Edwards"
R: You know even as I was writing this question I thought "Kelanie's answer is going to be something off of Misty's new album"
K: That's because I listened to her album 12 times yesterday
L: Does anyone want to taste my curry latte?
R: I do not enjoy curry.
K: It doesn't taste like indian food. I thought it would taste like indian food.
R: Liz you work with my brother- How many times have you walked past his office and seen him picking his nose?
L: Seventeen.
R: I thought the number would be high.
L: His office used to be my office and there's a great annointing for nose picking in there. And for passing gas.
R: How many times do you personally pick your nose a day?
K: Zero
K: I broke that habit years ago.
L: You. Are. Lying!
K: I don't pick my nose. I blow my nose.
R: Even when there are crusties stuck up there that won't come out when you blow?
<Kelanie then pulled out a neatly folded Kleenex from her pocket while we explained to her that even if there is a kleenex barrier if she sticks her finger up her nose she is still picking her nose>
K: I don't know if I agree with you have any sort of documentation for that?
L: I've definitely picked my nose once today, but the day is not over yet.
K: I want you to clarify that I use a kleenex. I'm a very responsible tissue carrier!
R: Kelanie- It's been almost two years since I designed your last album cover- How happy are you on a scale of 1-10 with what we made 2 years later?
K: I'm very happy. I would say at least ten. I'd say it's going up even more every couple of months.
L: I like it a lot because when I'm at our conferences and I'm pushing product it's easy to say it's the album that's just a half of her face.
R: Tag question- Did you know that you're the only Kelanie on iTunes?
K: Yes. Well...the only Kelanie spelled like that.
R: Liz did you know?
L: Mmhmm
R: You did know that?
L: No...I didn't...but I do now!
(Liz is a liar)
R: We all have iPhones. That's cool. Which Emoji do you most like to make fart?
L: The poop!
R: The smiley poop. That's a good one.
K: I like to make the monkey fart.
R: Mine's the camel.
L: The elephant's good. And the rat. Especially if you want to say "rat farts!"
6. Liz, I know Kelanie has gone all over the world, where have you had the opportunity to travel to?
L: Norway, Italy, England, Dominican Repulbic
R: Me too!
L: NINE times?
R: No...just the once...But I did get kicked out of Haiti while I was there. I was in Haiti for ten minutes then they kicked us out.
L: My coffee cup says RAZ.
R: I'm going to take a picture of that.
L: My nail polish matches your cell phone case.
K: It reminds me of Rick's guitar.
R: Yes! His classic guitar.
R: How do you feel about having more banjo in worship music?
K: I think I'm fine with it...I think it has to be done with care. They were created for bluegrass and we're using them in a very unconventional way. And there are people playing them that don't really know how.
R: Like Leonard Jones?
K: No. NONONO Don't say that. I never said that...Leonard has an instrument that's not a banjo...but it sounds like a you play it like a you don't actually have to learn the banjo.
L: I think that every worship leader should lead from a banjo.
R: I like that answer.
L: And there should definitely be a washtub bass. And those (clink clink clink) things.
R: The washboard?
L: Yeah the washboard.
R: If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
L: Annabelle. Absolutely. Her life if pretty perfect.
This is Kelanie's Dog, Annabelle.
K: I'd kind of like to be something that flies. LIke an eagle. Eagles are majestic and you're not really allowed to shoot them.
R: That's true. If you were an eagle you'd never get shot. And if you did your death would be mourned by all of America.
L: And they're gonna be the ones...they're gonna be the ones...I'm gonna leave it at that.
R: I had a person ask me in a job interview once if I would be willing to put together an IKEA bookcase, would you guys ever be willing to help me put together IKEA furniture?
L: Yeah.
K: Yeah I would. I've put some together myself. Actually when I moved into my house I had two bookcases. And there was a competition going on between some guys- two guys were putting one together and two guys were doing the other one together and the guys that won didn't put it together right-- they rushed through it and they had to start over...they lost.
R: So they won but then they lost?
K: Yeah they definitely lost.
R: Coming out of high school I almost studied History to become an archaeologist. If given the opportunity, would you ever go dig for dinosaur bones?
K: Absolutely. Well I would be looking for giants.
R: Giants?
K: If I found a dinosaur that would just be a bonus.
L: I just watched a whole documentary a few weeks ago about Stonehenge and all of the digging around trying to figure it out and I got jealous it looked like a lot of fun.
R: I think it would be lots of fun. There's a wall in England called Hadrian's wall- Hadrian was a Roman ruler- and no one really knows why it's there...And I always wanted to figure out why it was there. That was the one thing I wanted to do.
L: Plus you can look like complete butt everyday when you're an archaeologist.
R: And you can dress all Jurassic Park and stuff.
K: When I was in Israel we got to sift through a bucket of dirt from the Temple Mount. We found a piece of pottery that was pretty cool. There was lots of terra cotta...lots of bone...that was charred. Mosaics. Someone found a coin. That was only with five minutes' training too. So think of what you could find if you knew what you were doing! I would find a giant for sure.
R: How's your coffee?
L: Oh man...RAZ. It was RAZ-tastic.
K: Mine was good. With my honey latte. That I know that I like.
(Before Liz arrived I had this brief conversation with Kelanie about her honey latte)
K: My latte has a honey syrup in it.
R: I'm pretty sure honey by itself is a syrup...
R: How did you feel about solving issues through thumb wars? Was it an effective form
of conflict resolution?
K: I felt that it was unfair. I was clearly at a disadvantage. And I was trying to prevent an injury.
R: Well...yeah when your livelihood is in your own hands I can understand that.
L: I knew I was going to win so I liked it a lot! If there's a contest I'm going to win it.
R: Really? Any contest?
K: Singing contest!
R: Songwriting contest!
L: I've written 3 songs in my life. One of them was about a schoolbus. The other one was about poop. It was more like a rap. A poop rap.
"I ride on a school bus. It smells like a fart. The seats are plastic and they're torn apart."
R: Liz we had a conversation a few days ago about you using two specific words in a sentence--Did you complete your task?
L: Poop and Shellac? I didn't because I'm pretty sure you said you were going to do it.
R: I didn't. I implied that you were going to do it.
L: I'll do it now-- "My poop is never the texture of shellac."
K: "I'm gonna shellac my walls with your poop. "
K: This is not gonna be good for my reputation...Can you just not quote me on that?
R: No way--You said it. This is journalistic integrity at its finest!
L: It's on the record! I learned about that on Gilmore Girls.
R: Who would you ever sing with if you had the chance- be they dead or alive? 
K: I don't want to sing with any dead people.
R: They'll come back to life and then you can sing with them.
L: This is hurting my brain.
K: Brandon Hampton!
R: I would sing with him too. But mostly because he's handsome.
K: Yeah...
L: I choose Bruce Cockburn. Look up "Pacing the Cage" and listen to it 7 times.
L: Can I have two answers?
R: Sure.
L: One of the four living creatures.
R: So instead of being the 5th Beatle you want to be the 5th Living creature?
L: Yes! I want eyeballs EVERYWHERE.
R: If you could be on any television show...
K: Any TV show? Like you get to be an extra?
R: No you can be the star.
K: Oh- Well I'd want to be on Alias. I want to be Sydney Bristow and wear a blue wig.
R: How do you feel about the movie "Muppet Treasure Island"
K: I adore that movie. "Dead Tom's dead! Long John Shot him!"
R: "But he's always been dead...that's why he's called Dead Tom..."
L: I...have not seen that movie.
K: Oh no...
R: That's not okay.
L: BUT KELANIE HASN'T SEEN BACK TO THE FUTURE OR BIG OR STEEL MAGNOLIAS OR DIRTY DANCING! (Liz would like to go on record to say that she feels it is very WRONG that Kelanie has not viewed any of these films with her eyeballs.)
R: Do you like your names?
L: Sometimes...
R: Are you an Elizabeth?
L: Yeah...but I'm only called that when I'm in trouble.
K: I loooove my first name. And I love my middle name. I'm willing to trade in my last name for a better one.
R: Well that's good to know since you have that option. (FELLAS)
K: Hopefully!
R: I don't like any of my names. The first two just feel too feminine. I don't feel like a Rachel. I would go for like an old fashioned name.
K: Like...Goldie?
R: That was my dog's name! So no.
K: Winnefred?
R: Yeah! Something along those lines.
K: I think you would have a title. You'd be Lady Godiva.
R: That would work I think!
K: People would love you.
R: You have both just been given 10,000 to spend on another person. You can only choose one person. Who would you spend it on...and what would you buy them?
L: How about you get me what I want...and I'll get you what you want.
K: I really want to buy gold with it...but know what I really wanted to do? That's all the money we need for all of the sound upgrades at IHOP I would give it to Carlos Bosque so he could buy the sound system!
R: I'll let that one slide.
L: I was gonna buy you your inflatable ship but since that's not what I thought you wanted I'd just give it to my parents since I owe them at least that much.
R: What if YOU were given $10,000 to spend on yourself?
K: I would purchase as much silver and gold and I could- and go hunt giants.
L: I think I'd put it in the bank.
R: In the bank?
K: That's lame. I could always leave it in a trust fund for Annabelle.
L: case she needs anything.
R: For the creature that will not out-live you...
K: Right!
L: It would benefit me if I ever turn into her!
R: Star Wars or LOTR?
L: Shut up!
K: I can say what I want! It depends on if you like space stuff or hobbit stuff.
R: Well Kelanie's answer was right.
K: Star Wars is more realistic.
L: I have also never seen Star Wars...
R: Umm...we're gonna have to fix whatever's wrong with your brain and go see all these awesome movies that you've been missing out on because for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ you need to see them! They will enrich your soul!
R: So you have a dog named Annabelle, and Liz you love to babysit Annabelle, so I'll ask you- Why do you hate cats?
Both: Who hates cats!?
R: I just wanted to see your reaction to that one. (It was worth it)
L: My cat didn't love me mainly because I tortured her.
R: I had a cat that didn't love me either because we tortured her too.
(and some stories about tossing cats later...)
K: I want to go on record as the only one at this table who has not tossed a cat.
We had fun. We discussed some important and some not so important issues. But I feel as if I have lived up to the integrity of this blog as keeping it a nonsense blog. Next time I want some feedback! What would you want to ask these two? Who else would you want me to have coffee with?
All photos (except for Rick) and artwork are the property of Rachel Zink.
Enlightening :)