Friday, September 20, 2013

Me & Me

     Remember those old quizzes on Facebook? The kind where you'd get tagged in about fifty of them until you decided to post answers to all of these random questions about you with a title like "Okay I guess I'll give in"? I know you do. I stumbled upon many of these that I posted from 2008-2009. I found them insightful and entertaining. I have since removed them from Facebook, but not before keeping the best ones to post here.

     When I answered this particular quiz I was 19 years old. I had been out of high school for less than a year. I wasn't a cool as I am now. #truth

      For the heck of it I've included my reaction to what was originally written, you know, to add some spice.

I forgot to have a comment on #18. I still can't think of anything. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


    It's common knowledge by now that people will use the internet to try and scam you. It started way back with the Nigerian prince who made us think "Why me? And how did this prince get my email address?" If you're on Twitter (and I seriously hope you are and that you follow me) then you've probably encountered some sort of spam. Spammers apparently target key words in a tweet and almost immediately reply to your tweet containing that keyword with a link. I used to get annoyed with these, especially because for a while they were profiles with links that obviously took you to the more unsavory areas of the internet. I got pretty good at reporting accounts for spam.

    A few weeks ago I discovered that these spam accounts were actually kind of humorous in their description as well as the nonsense they tweeted. I've been screen shooting their accounts THEN reporting them for spam. They are gone now but will live on forever here, on my blog.

   Let's start with some of the names and bios:

First, I'm pretty sure if you lost six pounds in one week you wouldn't be "rofl"ing, you would be roThis name sounds like something that I would make up if all of the sudden I had a job making up names for Twitter spam. #dreamjob 

At first I thought these bios were really funny due to their specific and personal nature- then I compared them to mine...

Oh. These are...similar. Also I can't get that dot after "Lactose Intolerant" to move. 

And now comes the beautiful literature that comes from these spammers. It's poetic. It's worthy of a Pulitzer. It's gibberish. 

I don't have that you all it do me, Sorry. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Mascara companies will say anything to make a sale. Lashes that are "virtually endless" may sound great for some but to me it sounds absolutely terrifying.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fake Band Covers Part 2

I'm not going to give much introduction to the second part in my series of fake band covers. If you like what you see you can click here to see Part 1!

These bands are all completely fake. But maybe one day they'll be real. 

The final product for this one was a happy accident. 

I hope you all enjoy what I'm creating. I have had a really fun time with this project. It's great practice albeit time consuming. Keep your ears out for fake band names and send them to me or leave a comment. I'll make a cover and put it in the next installment of the series with a shout out for you!