Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fake Band Covers Part 1

     More than five years ago I began playing a game with my peers. Any phrases that came out of our mouths that sounded odd were immediately deemed as a "band name". I began keeping a list of these names on my phone and to this day I have an entire list of front-and-back names at my disposal. Some of them are fantastic, others I couldn't possibly imagine the context surrounding those words being said, but they are all winners in my book.

      Being a designer I was looking for a small project that I could do on my own time to sharpen my skills. I decided having so many band names without album covers was a shame, and I got to work. I knew quickly that these would be simple, with one or two images topped with the band name. 

      Keep an eye out for the next part in this series. I have 100+ fake band names so there's no telling how many of these I'll do. 


  1. Makeshift Mustache needs to be the name of a real band stat.

  2. With all the mustache hype lately I'm certain they would be a hit!
