Thursday, May 30, 2013

Real Life Conversations: At the Dentist

Dentist: Are you ready for summer?

Me: No.

Dentist: Why not?

Me: It's too hot already.

Dentist: Don't you like the beach?

Me: No.

Dentist: I know, you're a pool kind of girl.

Me: Not really, no.

Hygienist: Are you from up north or something?

Me: No I've lived here my whole life.

Hygienist: Then why do you still live here if you don't like it?


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What the GIF?

      In honor of the recent news rocking internetarians everywhere that the file type is indeed pronounced "Jif" and not "Gif" like its spelling would lend, I have made some GIFs. Just try reading that as "jif". It's not easy. It looks like a guh. But it's not. It's a juh.

       I've had the pleasure as of late to photograph not only my friends jumping on a trampoline, but also some folks at a 5K running and looking curRraaZZZyyyeeeee. Being a photographer pays the bills, but it's fun like this that gives me a reason to wake up every morning.

This woman appeared to never change position even though she had, in fact, moved forward slightly. 

Note how Liz makes Kelanie tumble merely by hovering around her. 

(More about Kelanie & Liz here



It's not often you get to watch your favorite worship leader in mid-air 36 times in a row. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Product Review: STATE Bags

      I recently found myself in the market for a new backpack. I owned two already but they both lacked the style I really wanted. Fast forward a few weeks and I found myself holding a backpack in Target. It was cheaply made, though adorned with a fun pattern, it was made in a foreign country and would have set me back $30. For a purchase like a backpack or a purse I seriously consider their quality before I purchase. How long would this backpack last me? Probably not long.

       Thanks to the magic of Twitter I saw the creator of my very stylish glasses, Warby Parker, had endorsed another company who sells the "Give Back Pack". Much like Warby Parker, who donate a pair of glasses for every pair purchased, STATE Bags hand delivers a backpack to impoverished American students for every backpack purchased. They also take it a step further by encouraging kids in their six core values: Acceptance, Courage, Leadership, Health, Conservation, and Knowledge. These values are demonstrated through small metal badges that can be pinned onto their backpack and displayed proudly. Seems great, right?

        That's because it is great. The "Buy One, Give One" model has become more and more popular in the last few years. First came TOMS shoes, followed in suit by dozens of other companies. Just by Googling "buy one give one" I get over a Billion results with product varying from comforters to futbols. It's safe to say that this business model can only expand from here. I can assure you there is someone out there trying to figure out how to make a BOGO car.

        My STATE Bag came in the mail yesterday. I have been tweeting with the company for a few weeks for updates (they were having manufacturer issues) and general banana talk. I have been very happy with their customer service. I guess purchasing from a company that has a genuine care for humankind produces that kind of service.

        This is a quality bag. I have had some crappy bags in my time and I can see these are made well. I purchased the red Durham and can't believe how much I like it. I immediately pinned my Knowledge pin to the front and tried it on for size. With a laptop sleeve included, a sizable main pocket and a pocket on the front this bag is perfect for simply carrying around your belongings. I LOVE simple. I grabbed my bag, took it into my back yard and christened it with some lovely photos.

      Sure I could have bought a fancy bag from Everlane or good ol' Jansport but I am a big proponent of investing my money where it counts. In the words of Ephraim Levi "Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless you spread it around encouraging young things to grow."